Thursday 8 December 2016


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Response to a critic...
 first off, for you to make a honest review or judge something, u must have used or been involved with that thing. Its obvious I've never been involved in MMM as your posts shows you don't know much about this opportunity.

Secondly, MMM is not a scam, an MLM, HYIP, Bank or Investment company. MMM is a DONATION COMMUNITY where members have decided to help themselves gratuitously, without collateral, provide financial help to each other.

Thirdly, MMM advertises because of the way it works. Even the Banks and organizations do aggressive advertising. Even the banks need more customets to survive. MMM operates the way a stockvel operates. The point is, whose money has Sergei Mavrodi stolen. No member of MMM , anywhere in the world gives hus or her money to Mr. Mavrodi. When u join MMM, u do not give your money to MMM. MMM or MMM founder Mr Mavrodi, I repeat, does not collect a dime from anyone anywhere in the world. We members give money to each other. We pay directly into the others Bank account. how does Sergie run away with your money. Please answer this @drizzymadbet.

MMM has enemies, the politicians, the banks, government and press. Why? Please go do your research very well. Then u will find the answer. I want u to go do that research, when u find it, only then you'll be convinced to join MMM.

Mr. Mavrodi has made his money way back before MMM. His aim and ideology about MMM is to fight against the unjust financial system of the world; which makes the poor poorer and rich richer thought its the poor who does the hard work. The Bank takes your money in the pretence of keeping it for you. You keep it there for years. How much do they give u as interest Peanuts! Mr Mavrodi belives no government can make the masses rich, no politician or rich person will come to make you rich. He believes, the masses must take the bull by the horn by helping each other and that is why he put this system in place for everyone to take advantage of. Again. Mr. Mavrodi nor MMM does not collect money on his website or from anyone. Mr. Mavrodi is a Mathematician, a programmer and he only set up this system to help the masses. MMM has changed my financial status!!!

Mmm has been in existence for five years in over 100 countries of the world. #mmmpays. It has been paying everyone for five years. #MMM has paid me severally, I've lost count. #MMM is NOT A SCAM!

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