Friday 15 July 2016

Truck Attack In Nice, France On Bastille Day Kills Many

11:00pm Thursday night, at least 77 people are dead and 50 have been injured in a Bastille Day attack in Nice, southern France.

A child's doll lies on the street beside the body of a young girl who waskilled in last night's attack in Nice in the south of France.

French police riddled the truck with gunfire in an effort to kill the crazed driver of the truck which ran down hundreds of people.

Bodies were strewn over more than 100 metres along the promenade in Nice in the South of France.

People ran for their lives as the truck ploughed through the group of people in Nice, southern France.

The killer drove for more than a mile along the promenade in Nice, pictured, 'knocking people down like skittles' according to witnesses.

The driver mounted the pavement at 40mph and steered directly at large groups of people watching the firework

May their souls rest in Peace. Amen cool cool
Fireworks were filling the night sky as the drama unfolded, as the crowds enjoyed July 14th, which is always a Bank Holiday in France.
Heavily armed soldiers occupied the centre of the town to restore control after the attack which claimed at least 50 lives.

An air ambulance arrived at the scene, pictured, to take survivors of tonight's attack to hospital.

The attack happened in the Promenade des Anglais in Nice in the South of France while victims were watching a firework displa

Police have deployed armed checkpoints across the city in an effort to find any suspected attackers.
Police officers and armed soldiers stood guard as the city was put on lockdown as several dozen people were killed in the attack.

People leaving the area were ordered to hold their hands up as they evacuated the scene near the sea front in Nice last night.

Not Again

What offence did France committed to deserve this vicious (terrorist) attacks?

Is there any war(s) the country's troops are currently engaged in?
What really went wrong in one of the most peaceful European country?

The front of the truck was badly damaged after it knocked down dozens of people enjoying an evening by the sea front.

OMG shocked this is so so sad.

RIP to the dead. Those behind this killing will know no peace.

Emergency services took badly wounded survivors away from the scene in a fleet of ambulances to nearby hospitals for treatment.

Hate.... Is the opium of most religions. Rivalry and quest for who is the way to God, who can save, which doctrine is the best and who serves the true God is one thing that is destroying man's coexistence faster than racism.
It amazes me how we are all fanatics and carry this thing on our head and sentience, when the reality is, we met this thing called religion here on earth. If God wanted us to be Muslims he would have done that from heaven, if he wanted us to be a Buddhist he would have from heaven, same as Christians, Jews as the likes.

We must make compromises and follow to detail doctrines that preach love. That is the answer and solution to extremism

Officials said the truck mounted the pavement and steered directly towards pedestrians who were out in the city watching fireworks.
President Hollande, pictured, was updated on the massacre as he flewto the crisis nerve centre last night with PM Manuel Valls, right.

whew, this is really sad
Hate.... Is the opium of most religions. Rivalry and quest for who is the way to God, who can save, which doctrine is the best and who serves the true God is one thing that is destroying man's coexistence faster than racism.
It amazes me how we are all fanatics and carry this thing on our head and sentience, when the reality is, we met this thing called religion here on earth. If God wanted us to be Muslims he would have done that from heaven, if he wanted us to be a Buddhist he would have from heaven, same as Christians, Jews as the likes.

We must make compromises and follow to detail doctrines that preach love. That is the answer and solution to extremism

Bros, for the first time I totally agree with you 100%.

Footage from this angle clearly shows the authorities rushing out to stop and shoot the driver.

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