Saturday 9 July 2016


The story of a battered woman!
Writer: Gold Lah
My husband’s attitudes after five years of marriage changed towards me. Before we were joined and during our courtship days, he used to be so caring, sensitive and passionate; I believed he me loved deeply then, but it is otherwise now. He beats me and abuses me in ways that I cannot explain. I kept faith and thought he would change, and I believe the reason for the change in attitude was because I was unable to conceive after five years of marriage. I knew it wasn’t my fault because Doctors pronounced us healthy after series of medical checkups. We tried numerous IVF, but it was all unsuccessful.
Kamim’s attitudes towards me got worse during the tenth year of our marriage. I got bruised in all part of my body, most times I land in the hospital but still, I told no-one because I believed in the saying that love conquers all. I tried to understand him an begged him to let us see a therapist, but he gets so angry whenever I bring it up.
During the middle of our tenth year, God blessed us with the fruit of the womb, and I got so excited that i thought Kamim will change and be the loving husband I married. He stopped beating me but he seems to distance himself, as if getting too close to me would make him lose his temper. During my gestation period, I wasn’t happy unlike other women in my condition. My home was a living hell and i lost all focus.
My baby came around in July 2nd and though Kamim seems pleased but he refused to touch our baby, Kemira. Kemira became the centre of my world, all my love and attention, i gave to her and I refused to cry again because God has given me a new reason to smile again. Unfortunately, Kamim’s case became so bad that I thought of running away, but my sympathy and compassion got the best of me. Daily, I nurtured the hope that my love will heal him from the unknown pains he is lashing out from, but his condition never gets any better. He comes home late, rejects my food and throws punches at any given opportunity.
Along the line, I felt as if I lost my own sanity too. He abuses me in front of our child and throws anything he finds at me. My world crumpled before me and the more the pain, the more I put back from my social life. I refused to visit my friends and family. I was reduced to nothing so I refused to let my friends and family see me in this condition. However, the day I made up my mind to leave Kamim and vanish from him forever was the day Kemira’s teacher brought her home from school and reported that Kemira had always kept to herself and cry most times in class. He then gave me the letter which was found in kemira’s locker. The letter reads thus God, please come and kill daddy and save mum”. As I gathered my baby into my hands, i cried painfully and made up my mind to packout at last. 
As I was still in the room packing Kemira’s stuff, he got back from work. He had come home earlier than i thought.  And I didn’t want him to see me go. Suddenly, he came dashing from our room to Kemiras’, with eyes flaming red. I quickly told my leg to take me as far away as possible from him, but that day, my leg refused my brain’s command. And it was after something heavy hit me that I knew I was doomed. My body went limp as rushes of blows and punches accompanied rains of curses. My eyes were closed to the world, and though I could hear the cry of our only child but my body was motionless, then it all blacked out.
Some hours later, I found myself on a dumping ground with my baby crying... we were drenched with rain and filth, then it occurred to me, HE HAD LEFT ME FOR DEAD... how wicked could he be? Fortunately after days of begging for money and being mistaken for a mad woman, I got to my parent house at last. My family got furious, my mum wants me to report to the police, dad wants him arrested and my friends pleaded to sue him to court.
True, the pain Kamim caused me was everlasting, but I STILL LOVED HIM!

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