Wednesday 13 July 2016

David Cameron Personally Carrying His Property Out Of 10 Downing Street

The British PM who resigned after the Brexit vote is seen here packing his things from his official residence .
He officially seizes to be British PM from today, Theresa May is billed to take over his job as the British PM.

How many local government chairmen can be seen doing this in our dear country Nigeria .

That is only experienced in a sane clime, but generally speaking in Africa and Nigeria in particular there must be provisions in the budget for baggage handling, with special assistants and senior special assistants having their own P.As all to milk off the scarce resources we have.

We all are clamouring for positive change but The Holy Book has given a condition, that "if My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves...", you know the rest.

All over Nigeria all you find is pride in our hearts,or the subtle pseudo humility done to gain publicity.

This change must begin in our attitudes, for we are nothing but pencils in the eyes of the creator, why will a man feel good only when he sees his fellow men cleaning his shoes or slaving for him. Its a psychiatric disorder, its not a display of wealth, its a display of some mental disorder stemming from our complexes.

GOD AND NATURE RESISTS THE PROUD BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE. Imagine the amount of resistance 180 +million people will face due to their collective pride.

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